
Showing posts from April, 2020

The JUNK drawer...yeah, you know what i am talking about

In every house i ever lived in new life seems to sprite from a drawer, normally somewhere in the kitchen.  Loose stuff just seem to gravitate there, and soon that is the go-to drawer if you do not know where to put things, or are too lazy to take it to the right place.  Whole blogs are dedicated to creating order in your junk drawers.  Our house even has two, one is called the junk drawer, and the other the catch-all drawer... Tackling these drawers today feels a bit like a metaphor for my current life.  A little bit messy, filled with sentimental stuff and a lot of half-finished tasks.  Little sub-compartments with semblances of order.  Newspaper clipping carrying memories and sentiment.  One half of things you hope some day to find the other half.  Sometimes you just close the drawer when all becomes to much and for the outside world all looks fine. Talking of that, it seems i might have a fascination with lip balm as well.  I am not kn...